Friday, May 1, 2009

And I thought it was over!!!

Boy was I WRONG. I had another ultrasound/blood work this morning & I thought this was it. I was going to get a phone call saying take your trigger shot & be here in 36 hours. Nope. Fat chance. My blood work is great where I don't have to get tested again, but my little follicles/cysts aren't big enough, sooooooo another ultrasound on Sunday @ 11 am & then we wait and see. They need to be between 18-22 mm & the larges one was 16 mm & the other 4 or so where 13 mm average. What I thought was over, I still have 2 more days of injections. I swear I could never be diabetic & I think the Lord knows this. I just don't know. I don't like doing my own injections. The nurses I work with have offered to do them, but I have to do them between 6-10 pm & I know that they don't want to wait until then. But they will get there chance come IM time. They suggest that they are done in the morning. I hope they are prepared. So right now, if everything goes fabulous on Sunday & I do my trigger shot that afternoon, then Tuesday is the big day. It better be, because I will be out of some drugs. In fact 2 I will be out. The important ones. The ones that grow the eggs. I am need them. But over all, we are getting SOOOOOOOOO excited. I will write more on Sunday.


  1. gosh!! I'm excited for the update on Sunday. Talk to you tomorrow!!

  2. Aye-yi-yi! You are so brave Sarah. Good thing you have such an awesome supportive husband. I am so happy you are moving forward and trying soo hard. I truly wish the best for you and yours. May God give you an extra big hug during your trials!
