Sunday, May 3, 2009

5 am

I had my ultrasound this morning at 11 am & what a treat. Brad came with me & we both go to see the potential of my ovaries!!! In fact they looked like aliens. I wish I had a picture to show you, but I don't. Things are going really well. The goal is to have them between 18-22 mm. I have 3 that are in that range: 18,19 & 21. Then I have FOUR that are at 17 mm. The plan now is to take my 3 injections tonight, so that my 17's can get bigger & then TOMORROW at 5 am Brad (poor guy) will be giving me my first of many IM injection. THEN we have to be in Soldatna at 4:30 pm on Tuesday. And then it will all begin. So there is a potential of getting 7 embryos... Don't worry I won't be the next octamom, he only puts in 2-3. Ok, there is a VERY slim chance that I can be the next octamom, but I strongly doubt it... The wheels are moving & things are looking great. We just want to thank everyone for their prayers & support. We are praying that it works. We can't wait & are so excited. Thank you again:):):)


  1. Horray!!!!! I'm so excited for you!!! I gave Laci your number not sure if she called you yet or not, but just a heads up that she may call. I hope that all continues to go well. You're always in my prayers. Does this crazy fun schedule mean that you get to take a few days off of work? I hear it's been very warm and wonderful in AK.. joel's been calling me and bragging every day! :) It's been so nice here, I have a hard time staying inside when we have the chance to be outside. Well take care talk to you soon. Love you lots!

  2. WOOHOO! SEVEN!! That's a great number. :o) Go Sarah's ovaries!! Good luck to Brad and that IM shot... I'll keep praying for you guys!

  3. YEA!!!!! I'm so glad!!! I hope it all goes well today!!! Drive safe!

  4. Hope things keep going so well for you. Would love info on this doc when you get a chance.
