Breathe. I feel like my life revolves around adoption. To tell you the truth, I feel like I am being pushed one way then the next, then this away, that away. I'm about to sing a song. Ok, back on talk. So the birthmother's agency is willing to release her if she want to go. The problem is, I have no idea if she wants to..... Or even if she knows what is going on. Oh, the joys. I just want to know!!! My agency is ready & gun ho to go. Please tell me what to doooooooooo.
can you just show up and talk to her? be bold. she'll appreciate your concern and honesty, I think. She seems so mature, just explain that you didn't know for certain if she DID know, and you wanted to clear things up. I say email her everything (clean and simply) or just show up and talk to her in person (what I recommend - because you're so dang easy to talk to). GOOD LUCK!!