Tuesday, February 1, 2011


Today I have been thinking & I will warn anybody that reads this will most likely be offended or annoyed with me. How am I going to raise Madilyn or any other children that will grace our lovely home. This has come more to me now with what has been going on in the media. There is a mom is Alaska that has been charge with ONE count of child abuse for putting hot sauce in the child mouth & making him take a cold shower. I will tell you now that I am not siding with her or agreeing with what she did, but I will say that I am TOTALLY annoyed with every ones quick judgement on her. In fact I am fired up over peoples quick guilty verdict. I will confess I had hot sauce put in my mouth as a child by my babysit for saying a VERY bad word at her house. The thing was that was a consequence for swearing. If you swear you get hot sauce. She followed through with it & didn't just make up some excuse not to punish me. Empty threats! I remember it & I learned from it. Do I have nightmares from it or some psychological issues, no. Did I swear again, yes, but NOT in her home:) I don't know how Brad & I are going to raise or punish our children. I think each child will probably be different, because what may work for one may not work for the other. I have so many thought about this issue & what I hate is people say oh you are a bad mother for doing that. The sad thing is kids now a days are spoiled rotten brats. Not all of them, but a huge chunk of them are. I swear when I hear kids tell their parents off & the parents do nothing, I want to smack the parents & say are you serious. You are the parent not them. Kids think of themselves as equal to adults & don't give them the respect. What happened to thank you & please & MEANING it. I have to commend this women, when she asked her son what happens when you lie, he said I get hot sauce & guess what she followed through. How many moms or dads say, when I count to three you will be sorry. Then I hear 1-2-3 at least a dozen times & nothing happens. Kids need to have boundaries & consequences. Be it time out or going to your room or what ever don't be afraid to follow through. Your kids will still love you. I have to say I loved that my parents followed through on EVERYTHING with our punishments. Of course mine was spankings with a wooden spoon. But my mom did it. But of course before she did it she went into her room cooled off & I was sent to my room. She would come down & talk about what I did wrong & then she would spank me. She followed through. Now I am not saying you need to spank but at least follow through. Oh & the other thing is childhood obesity. This women was punished for hot sauce & people say the long lasting affect that will be on him. But think about all the parents that have children that are obese & there long last affect mentally & physically. I think they should be charged for neglect & mental abuse. I love hearing parents wanting to sue McDonald's for making Happy Meals enticing with toys & making there children obese. HELLO just say NO!!!! McDonald's didn't force you to drive to McDonald's to buy & then force it down their throat. Really come on people. I have great examples of being a great parent. I hope that Brad & I can take their examples into mind with raising our children. But before you judge a parent for their actions maybe you should look at yourself & realize you aren't perfect either!!!
AND one last thing. This women went to Dr. Phil to get help & because of it she is being charged. There are, I am sure, tons of women out there that are like her that don't know what to do. Maybe instead of charging her we should say to those in her same situation that there is help. Because WHO now is going to come out & say they do the same thing & they need help with fears of charges & jail time. Instead, here are the places you can go. Lets change the behavior of the parent & the child together in a humane way... I am just saying!
Sorry this is everywhere of a post. But I had to say something:)


  1. I agree with you. I don't think anyone has the right to judge anyone especially when it comes to parenting. I don't know why we as women judge each other on things that are hard for ourselves and things that vary so greatly in each situation. Being a parent is really hard. I struggle daily finding a balance between disciplining with love and getting the point across (not to mention retaining my sanity) and my oldest is only 2! I might not agree with her methods, but if she was trying to get help she shouldn't be punished for it!

  2. Nope - not offended. :) In fact, I agree with what you have said. Punishment should not be bruising or bloodying, but there needs to be something. I know ladies (you do too) who do the cold shower thing for their boys pooping in their pants on purpose - uhhhh I'd freeze their bums off too! haha How sad that she went out for help and got charged instead. It might be extreme, but I wouldn't call it abuse. That kid shouldn't lie!!!

  3. AMEN!!! When I read the article on ADN. It fired me up. I couldn't believe that a women can not have consequences for her child. My children and I watched the video on the internet and I asked my daughter if he had to hard of a consequence and she said no. He lied. He should not lie. I might not do that to my child but I don't know how it is to raise that child. What he is receptive to. It is hard that so many people push their parenting ideas on to everyone else of what is okay and not okay. No one knows your kids better then you. What they are capable of doing. I wish people would just let you be the parent and they parent their own kids. Ahhh... Anyways thanks for writing it down. I feel the same way!!
