I haven't written in awhile & mostly because nothing much has been going on in our life. We haven't heard from either birthmother. Esther, we will probably never hear from her again, which is sad but true. Birthmother #2 hasn't written either, but not to worry, she may not want to & we will hear from her in Nov/Dec when she is due. Which will be nice from Aiden's experience. We just got too attached to Esther & we are fine with the next birthmother not getting to know us. We just want her to know that she will never have to worry about the little girl because there will be so many people that will love her beyond life it self, especially us. We will try not to get our hopes up too much, but it will be hard. I will confess, I did by a dress:):) Couldn't resist. It was on sale & oh so cute. But that is all I am going buy, hopefully! We will wait, like always.
Today in church, well in Sunday school we are learning about Proverbs & Ecclesiastes & I would love to say I was paying attention through the whole lesson, but I wasn't. I have a VERY short attention span & it is about 2 seconds. The 2 seconds I paid attention to was Proverbs 31:10-31. A virtuous women is priced above rubies. This made me think, now that we may have a possibility on adopting a little girl, how to instill in this little girl that she worth more then rubies or all the diamonds in the world. Then it made me think why women think they are worth the cost of fools gold or a ring out of a cracker jacks box. I want her to know her worth. I want her to know that she is so much more then the label in her clothes or what a man says to her. I hate when I see commercials/movies/TV & this women is flaunting around in nothing & thinking the only reason a man is with her is because of how little her skirt is or how big her boobs are. Also the worth of a women is not define by how powerful she is in the world or how many degrees she may hold. A women who is worth more then anything in the world is a women who stays true to herself & knowing that she is a daughter of God. Now I know that life can throw ugly punches. Believe me I could tell you all kind of stories about my life & the way that I was treated. I have felt like I was worthless & that I wouldn't amount to anything in the world. But it wasn't till I truly realized that I am worth more, that I am worth so much more in my Heavenly Father's eye. We are truly his children & especially his daughters. I am sure he weeps when he sees how women are portrayed. I want my daughter to know how much she is worth & that when a boy comes & treats her like poo that she can bounce back & say, NO I AM WORTH so much MORE!!!! I can tell you when I was younger & when I was told I was ugly or other colorful words that I believed them & let it get to me. I wasted so many tears & guilt thinking I was nothing. How I don't want my daughter to go through that. My nieces are heading into those sensitive years & how I want them to know how great they are. I want them to say they are beautiful & worth more then what they see on TV or what there friends are doing. I want them to live in the perfect bubble that will never hurt them. But I know that will never happen, but I can only pray & teach them that they are amazing little girls & to not give up. The fight is good. The fight to be a virtuous women is the hardest thing a girl will do. But the war is a hard war but it will have an amazing finish when it has been won. I know that Heaven Father loves us all, that he wants us to be so happy. I know that he gets sad when we make poor choices, but I can promise you this, he is the biggest cheerleader out there when you do make a good choice. He is cheering us on & giving us words of encouragement. All through the bible & book of Mormon he talks about how blessed we will be when we choice the right. I will continue the fight & I pray in the end I will be able to go before the Lord & say I did it & I did it with your help.